Lucy Hall

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How a Social Media Content Plan Will Benefit You

How a Content Plan Will Benefit You

With my How to Create a Social Media Content Plan course coming up soon, we’ve put together a list of eight ways that creating a solid content plan will benefit you. Whether you’re a marketer, business owner or creator, a great content plan could drive your brand to new heights and truly make you stand out from the crowd.

Save yourself time

“A Sunday well spent means a week of content.”

Deciding on what content to post and when to post it in advance will inevitably save you time in the long run...and time is money, after all! If you review your content and plan regularly, dedicating perhaps just one day a month to it, you could really maximise the potential of your brand’s social media presence. Plus, you’ll start every day with one extra thing boxed off your to-do list.

Generate amazing content ideas

Content planning not only helps you plan when your content will be published, but will also help you to generate high quality content ideas. If you’re the kind of person whose mind is always buzzing with great content ideas, note them down in your content plan to use when it comes around to your planning day. Rather than rushing content out as and when you think of it, this planned approach will allow you to refine your ideas and invest the time needed to turn your ideas into truly memorable, professional content.

Review what content works and what doesn’t

A crucial part of generating amazing content involves identifying the content that isn’t so amazing. By reviewing which content has gained high levels of engagement and which content has not, you can determine what kind of things your audience are really interested in seeing and engaging with. Reviewing this at least once a month will allow you to ensure that your brand stays relevant and your marketing techniques remain effective. 

Identify and utilise special dates

Identifying which dates are meaningful to your target audience is a great way of engaging with your customers. With a solid content plan which schedules in date-specific content, utilising these special dates becomes much easier and guarantees that you remember them!

Identify and communicate your brand personality and values

Creating a content plan really allows you to reflect on the core values and personality of your brand. Once you’re sure of who you are, customers will be more confident in your brand, and your personality will then shine through in your content. 

Identify and optimise your target audience

You may already have an idea of who your target audience is, but when was the last time you sat down and actually looked at the demographics of your followers and consumers? Reviewing your content engagement and followers through a social media content plan is a great way of ensuring that your content really is relevant, engaging, and tailored to your audience.

Diversify your content 

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and find yourself producing the same kinds of content on your social media platforms. But this type of content may not be the most effective; your audience may even be getting tired of it. A content plan will help you to identify issues like this and ensure that you are diversifying your content to include high quality images and great copy as well as gifs, videos, website and blog links, live content and more.

Review and set marketing goals

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Based on reviewing and scheduling content through your content plan, you can set broader marketing and business goals to help you to continue expanding and improving your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Book onto my CPD-accredited How to Create a Social Media Content Plan course today at