Lucy Hall

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Is SEO affected if I publish the same content on my blog and Linkedin?

What are the SEO implications of republishing content to your blog from linkedIn? Is my SEO affected if I publish the same content on my blog and Linkedin?

I often hear people ask: If i am publishing duplicate content from my blog to LinkedIn or vice versa could this cause negative Search engine ranking results for my website or blog?

The reason people worry about this is because it falls under duplicate content. Duplicating content and sharing it all over the web is an old spammy SEO technique that many black hat's used (unfortunately still do) to get more clicks through to a certain website. The thing is back in 2013 - Matt Cutts said: if your content isn't stuffed with keywords and isn't spammy you don't really need to worry.

Google's Matt Cutts has previously said:

Don't stress about it - in the worse non-spammy case, Google may just ignore the duplicate content. Matt said in a video, “I wouldn’t stress about this unless the content that you have duplicated is spammy or keyword stuffing.”

However then this may have an impact on your actual website because the content will be duplicated on linkedIn. So the question is will google show the content you've written from your blog or from LinkedIn higher in the search results?

I personally would prefer my content seen in search from my website as this way people are landing on my brand and seeing me and not a larger social media platform and therefore there is less distraction so there is more chance the visitor will stay and read more of my/your content.

I also understand myself that as a blogger or writer that you just want your content to be seen by as many people as possible. And the reality is that if you are having to desperately multi platform publish the same content from your own website or blog your SEO probably isn't up to scratch or you haven't found a gem to write about just yet. Why do I say this? The reason I say this is because if you have a great evergreen article on your website or blog that ranks well you'll be getting perhaps thousands or tens of thousands of views each month to that one article which many bloggers and publishers can only dream of! You therefore won't be worried about a few more people seeing it on LinkedIn and therefore won't need publish the same article here too. Also these articles get shared A LOT and new people will also start connecting with you on social media.

If this is the case for you, you'll be posting to your blog, to LinkedIn and then sharing as much as possible on social media. Now of course if you aren't bothered about search because you get a substantial amount of readers through your email list or social platforms then this is fine as long as you realise that in the long run you could be impacting your websites blog post visibility in search engine results, although people may find your content through LinkedIn.

What can you do to keep your website or blog posts ranking as well as publish on LinkedIn? Here's my 3 top tips: 

1. Change the content slightly

You could publish the content to your blog and rework it for linked in. It doesn't have to be a completely different article but it could be changed to add more key points so the content is more exclusive to that platform. They say 30% of the article should be changed to keep it safe from search engine ranking losses.

2. Make your intro delicious 

Publish to your blog and then write an intro on LinkedIn to pull the reader through to your blog to read the rest. The trick here is to make the intro content unmissable - it has to be deliciously appetising to make the reader want to click to your website and read more.

3. Post original content 

To be honest this is my favourite, simply create different content for your blog than you create for LinkedIn. Chances are you are writing for 2 different audiences anyway and then both articles will get picked up in search.

Final Thoughts: 

It's competitive out there, there is so much content on the web since content became king! So whatever you publish, be bold, give value and make sure you label your posts properly, use keywords, go into detail, do something different, shake up your industry, create a divide, push the boundaries and be true to yourself.

I'm Lucy and I help people understand digital and I despise Jargon! - Get heaps of tasty, bite sized and easy to read blogs, guides and free ebooks at